Du 16/03 au 22/03 inclus
5 vict. : The Grey Gatsby,
4 vict. : Goken, Lawman, Zarak,
3 vict. : Born To Sea, Hello Youmzain, Masked Marvel, No Risk At All,
2 vict. : Beaumec De Houelle, Choeur Du Nord, City Light, Clovis Du Berlais, Cokoriko, Doctor Dino, Kendargent, Kuroshio, Magneticjim, Morandi, Pether'S Moon, Pomellato, Postponed,
1 vict. : Anodin, Birchwood, Blek, Castle Du Berlais, Chanducoq, Earnshaw, Equiano, Flintshire, Galiway, Gentlewave, Golden Horde, Goliath Du Berlais, Great Pretender, Gutaifan, Hunter's Light, It'S Gino, Ito, Ivanhowe, Montmartre, Muhaarar, Order of St George, Persian King, Petillo, Pour Moi, Prince Gibraltar, Recoletos, Roman Candle, Romanised, Seahenge, Shamalgan, Siyouni, Tai Chi, Telecaster, Tin Horse, Vol De Nuit, Yafta, Zelzal,
Voir les classements annuels