Du 28/12 au 03/01 inclus
5 vict. : Cokoriko,
4 vict. : Choeur Du Nord, Doctor Dino, Great Pretender,
3 vict. : Charm Spirit, Hunter's Light, Siyouni,
2 vict. : Agent Secret, Bathyrhon, Born To Sea, Galiway, It'S Gino, Ivanhowe, Kapgarde, Lawman, Masked Marvel, Morandi, Muhaarar, No Risk At All, Shamalgan, Spanish Moon, Willywell,
1 vict. : Affaire Solitaire, Blek, Castle Du Berlais, Chanducoq, City Light, Cloth Of Stars, Donjuan Triumphant, Elliptique, Gentlewave, Goken, Goliath Du Berlais, Gris De Gris, Gustav Klimt, Gutaifan, Hello Youmzain, Intello, Karaktar, Kendargent, Martinborough, Olympic Glory, Pether'S Moon, Romanised, Sommerabend, Taj Mahal, The Grey Gatsby, Tin Horse, Tunis, Whipper,
Voir les classements annuels